Revival Update: February and March

It’s April already, Easter is behind us, and revival is in full-tilt. The last few months have been absolutely tremendous! In February and March, we were in revival with Pastor Caleb and Sis. Christy Adams of Christian Life Tabernacle in Memphis, TN. This place is one of a kind! The leadership, the music, the ministries – all top notch! When we first arrived, we were privileged to join the Ignite College & Career group for their annual winter retreat. While there, alongside Pastor and Sis. Adams, Rachel and I were honored to teach during a few of the sessions both Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. This is a world-class group of young adults who are serious about doing the work of God – we are so excited to see what happens with each and every one of them! For nine consecutive weeks we preached, prayed, taught and travailed for the city of Memphis – to which God responded by filling numerous people with the Holy Ghost, evidence by speaking in other tongues, while also seeing multiple people baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. One particular attribute of this revival that was especially unique was the presence of multiple physical, and instantaneous healings. One man had been dealing with severe back pain for several months, and during a time of prayer directed toward physical needs, his back was miraculously healed. Additionally, a woman who had been dealing with severe pain, during worship service, was impressed by God to step out into the aisle and praise God in advance for what she desired Him to do – instantly, God healed her condition, and the pain has not returned! Glory to God! We are so appreciative for the hospitality of Christian Life Tabernacle, the generosity of Pastor and Sis. Adams and the spirited response to the preaching. Rachel, Jackson and I just think the world of each and every one of you! BTW – we are so looking forward to our trip to Roatan, Honduras with you all in the early part of June!

Also, while stationed in Memphis, we were able to minister for a few neighboring Pastors. First we were able to visit Pastor and Sis. Brad Arthur in Jonesboro, AR – God is doing a great work there though their leadership and efforts – we are continuing to pray as they endeavor to plant a work there! Later, God allowed us to connect with Pastor Joey and Sis. Mikala Adams in Hazen, AR – we preached for them in February, and then were honored to attend their official installation as Pastor in April. We are so thrilled about what is happening in their Church, and believe the greatest days of revival are ahead of them!

*Currently in revival with Pastor Billy Uzzle of First Pentecostal Church in Union City, TN

Other Miscellaneous Information:

– Jackson started walking and celebrated his first birthday

– we attended No Limits in Sacramento, CA

– our RV’s black-water holding tank cracked and spilled all of it’s contents on the Church parking lot…


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  1. Clint Bourn on April 27, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    Love you guy’s web site and all the pics! Love y’all and wish y’all the best!

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